Tuesday Topic

After a long and seemingly endless winter it’s time for some spring renewal!  So today’s Tuesday Topic is all about recovering from winter and embracing spring (even if it doesn’t feel like spring just yet!)

We live in a chronically exhausted, overstimulated world and with most of us facing winter weather well into March… it can be really hard to find the energy to focus on clearing the emotional cobwebs and rediscovering your sense of balance.  But it’s time to bounce back from these gray winter days and self-care is the best way to make that happen.

For me travel, time with the people I love, and music are my favorite ways to take care of myself.

Escaping my daily routine and having some fun with my family and friends always helps me get back to my usually sunny disposition.  And when I can’t get away… nothing beats a good summer time playlist to pick up my mood!  {spoiler alert- next week’s Tuesday Topic will be all about music… stay tuned!}

Now you tell me…

What’s your favorite way to bounce back from a long winter?

Not sure what to do for self-care?  Well you can join me on March 30 to learn a simple way of dealing with insomnia, stress, anxiety, and those lingering winter blahs.  There’s still time to join me and Annette Keilkopf, LMFT, owner of The Source Yoga, for our special iRest Yoga Nidra workshop in Gainesville, VA.
This easy to learn practice, uniquely unwinds the nervous system, creating a sense of relaxation and calm that you will carry with you throughout the day.  Come try it for yourself at our introductory workshop.


We welcome you to come and explore new ways to rest, relax, and rediscover the joy of loving yourself, even in the midst of chaos, stress… or another spring snowstorm.

Not in the DC metro area but still interested in learning about Yoga Nidra?  Check out these free audio downloads to start your practice at home.

This is event is a collaboration between Group Therapy Associates, The Source Yoga of McLean, and Jazzercise Gainesville Center.