Compassionate Marraige

At the start of 2010 I adopted a theme for the year. A single concept to help direct my projects, personal and professional, as well as a guidepost to help me get centered again when life got overwhelming or out of control as it inevitably does. My theme for this year...

Unconditional love is all about the rules

It might sound crazy, but having rules just might be the most important step toward developing an unconditional love for your spouse. In the early stages of marriage many couples would say that their love for one another is unconditional. There is much talk of loving...

Thanks for tuning in… and now a few resources

Hi everyone!  Thanks so much for tuning into our first episode of Everyone Could Use a Little Therapy on this afternoon.  Llouana and I had a great time chatting about love and relationships.  If you were not able to catch us live, you can still...