
Be a soft place for tough feelings

Intimacy is the force that animates our romantic relationships, and it includes many of the traits that we have highlighted in this guide: friendship, playfulness, desire, and now, vulnerability. Vulnerability is our final gift in this guide, and we’ve saved it for last purposely. We don’t often talk about the importance of being vulnerable in our relationships, and yet it is essential to any healthy intimate partnership. We all need someone to share not only our joys, but also our disappointments and hurts; we need someone to tell our secrets to.  At its best, marriage provides a safe and sacred space where we can share the tender parts of ourselves.

To make sure you’re practicing vulnerability, allow your partner to talk about a challenge or difficulty they’re having, and actually listen without offering suggestions to solve or fix it.  Empathize with them—hey, I’m really sorry, that must be hard. Being present with their emotional experience is often more important than making the problem go away.

Looking for gift ideas? Learn more about identifying and talking about emotions with Brene Brown’s books (Rising Strong and Daring Greatly) or Pixar’s Inside Out. Or for the couple who always wants to hold hands, check out the Smitten Mittens. You can also represent your commitment to each other through jewelry or art.

Thanks for checking out our gift guide! We hope we’ve provided some helpful tools so that you can enjoy your relationship this Valentine’s Day!



Holiday Gift Guide for Couples- Gift Vulnerability

Inside Out DVD | Rising Strong | Daring Greatly  | Glass Knot Sculpture | ‘Be Seen’ Art Print | Smitten Mittens | David Yurman Crossover Engagement Ring