Today I read a great article from Lisa Brookes on; these practical tips were great for couples and families alike.  I especially love the way she gave us all some tangible examples of how to create and increase the intimacy in our personal relationships.  Here’s a brief excerpt of tip #1 and I hope you’ll follow the link to read the full article….

Here are three relationship building behaviors to increase intimacy with your partner:

•    Take an interest in what interests them. Not all couples like the same things.  In fact, I’d say it’s more common that they don’t which is perfectly fine as long as they can find at least a few places to overlap each other.  For example, my husband is an avid mountain biker and gearing up to be a road biker as well.  He’s training for a big race in Colorado later in the year and he’s really excited.  Biking isn’t on my “top ten” list but I plan to motivate him in his training, keep him on track and be excited about what is exciting him.   If you take an interest in something that’s really important to your partner, they will feel cared for and closer to you.  The unspoken message you are sending is “You matter to me.”  Read the full article here…