I love design- interior design, fashion, architecture, photography, you name it. Besides love relationships and mental health, design is the thing that i devote a substantial amount of my free time to. My Google reader is full of art and design blogs and every once in a while I stumble onto a post that melds my personal passion with my professional ones… like this one from Lisa Leonard.

I am so glad that Lisa chose to share this personal moment of conflict (and ultimately resolution) with her readers and I’m happy to share it with all of you. It’s a fantastic reminder that sometimes the solution to your latest argument is as simple as a deep breath and a second try at listening.

Read her post and then tell us, how do you and your partner reconnect when an argument erupts?

you & me {forever}

on saturday evening steve and i had a date night planned. the babysitter arrived and i grabbed my tripod and asked steve if we could shoot a few pics before we went to dinner. he agreed {he’s such a good sport} but as soon as we walked up the hill we started to argue. he had ideas. i had different ideas. i got mad. i was ready to pick up the tripod and forget the whole thing. but then we each took a deep breathe and apologized. Read the rest of the article here….

photo and blog post from Lisa Leonard Design