Spring festivities are in full swing as Easter has already come and gone. This time of year outdoor activities bring families and friends together as everyone wants to take time to enjoy fun in the sun! But, how do you stay connected to your family, especially kids as they transition into their teen years? Here are a few ideas that will help ease awkwardness and cultivate natural connections between you, your teen, and the rest of your family.

 Host a picnic.TuesdayTopic.04.22.14

Take some time out of your busy schedule and plan an informal picnic over the weekend with your family. Go to your local park or enjoy your backyard! Create a picnic vibe by bringing along a blanket, basket and a few board games. Invite your teen to ask his or her closest friends to join. By creating a carefree environment, you’re inviting your family to relax, enjoy one another’s company, while acknowledging your teen’s desire to have a social life.

 Get Active.

A family that plays together stays together! Take the initiative to plan a “play date” for your family. Go to your neighborhood swimming pool and play “Marco Polo”, dust off your bikes and ride to your local ice cream store, split into teams and play a game of outdoor basketball. The type of activity doesn’t so much matter as the fact that your family takes time to have fun together. Don’t be afraid to let out your inner kid, it’s important to show your teen that it’s ok to have fun!

 Plan an outdoor movie night.

If you’re technologically savvy rent a projector and hang a large white sheet up against your house (tree, deck etc.) for an instant “movie under the stars” night. You can plug your projector up to any laptop, video game console, or DVD player and instantly stream a movie. Add speakers (if necessary), lawn chairs, blankets or pillows and you’re set! You can check out projector rentals here.

So, what are your thoughts? Any spring family activity ideas? How will you stay connected to your teen this spring?