As part of our May Mental Health initiative, I will be reviewing several mental health/self-help books this month.  Some very generous (and talented) authors have graciously shared copies of their books with me and I look forward to sharing my opinion with all of you.  I thought I would share the titles I’m planning to review this month with you now, in case you want to read along….  and as a special incentive we will be raffling off the books (along with a few other goodies) at the two health fairs we are attending this month.  Be sure to stop by and visit us on May 8 at Alvey Elementary in Haymarket or May22 at Atlas Walk in Gainesville to win your copy of these great books.

The Pocket Therapist by Therese Borchard

I’m half way into this and already loving it.  Therese has a kind, sometimes funny, always thoughtful voice that I think you will enjoy.  Stay tuned for the full review soon.

Talk to Me Like I’m Someone You Love, by Nancy Dreyfus

looking forward to this one- its a book of communication flashcards and looks oh so fun and interesting.

1000 Awesome Things by Neil Pasricha

What can I say- it’s a book of 1000 Awesome Things