I love this time of year largely because it is a time of renewal.  Most of us become a little more reflective and focus a little more on how we can improve ourselves- eating healthier, being more financially responsible, learning to be more patient or kinder in our relationships.  The trouble with all these resolutions and self-improvement goals is that they often are so big and broad that they quickly go from inspiring to overwhelming to a good idea for next year.  But as a therapist I firmly believe that we can achieve most of what we want if we focus on the baby steps {all my clients out there will recognize that mantra!}  And so when I came across the something fresh for your home challenge on Apartment Therapy I was thrilled! Rather than some grand goal of organizing your kitchen pantry with labels or remodeling your bathroom, they suggest that each month you add something fresh to your home- some new, fresh, fun, little addition that “livens up the place and gives you that something special”.  In essence, whether it be flowers, a new oven mitt, or pretty little guest soaps, the goal of their challenge is to find a small way each month to make your home more enjoyable for you.  And isn’t that the real goal of every resolution?  To enjoy your home, your body, your job, your relationships, your LIFE just a little bit more? I am challenging all of you to join me in adding something something fresh to your life each month.  Maybe it will be flowers for your bedroom or a new exercise class or even a couple of therapy sessions to deal with that nagging conflict at home.  Whatever you choose each month, make it small but make it count.  Find a way to introduce one new, fresh, thing that will help you to enjoy 2012 just a little bit more.  These baby steps toward change will seem small, insignificant even, at first but in the long run these are the things that transform our lives. In the spirit of the challenge, once a month we will post about what our therapists have added into their lives and more importantly what Group Therapy Associates has added into our organization to make sure we keep giving you that little something special. For January we are super excited to say that we have added a something big- a new therapist!  Eve Hornstein, MS is joining the GTA family this month and we couldn’t be happier to have her.  She is a recent graduate of Virginia Tech and brings a wealth of knowledge and clinical expertise- not to mention a thoughtful and caring spirit that we are sure will help us continue our goals of providing compassionate and creative mental health care services!  You can read more about Eve’s background on our About page and feel free to schedule an appointment with her any time.