daniel_west1-1Not too long ago my friend Paul Brunson, a matchmaker and all around relationship guru, sent me an interesting dilemma. A new wife had reached out to him because she was worried about a secret friendship her husband had with another woman. Clearly there was a lot to talk about!

Can a married man have single female friends?

Is it ever ok to have secretive friendships from your spouse?

Do spouses have the right to tell their partner to end a friendship?

It was a hot topic on his Facebook page with lots of differing opinions and passionate arguments. And of course I weighed in with some advice of my own for this newlywed – {you can see what I had to see here}.

But beyond the debate of “secret” friendships, I got to thinking about the ways in which marriages (and any committed relationship) can become vulnerable to infidelity or betrayal. In this age of so many distractions and easy anonymity, it can be hard to keep good boundaries around your relationship.

Or is it?

While I will agree that there are many potential temptations and opportunities for trust to breakdown, there are also many simple ways to protect your relationship (and yourself). One of my favorites is DATE NIGHT. That’s right… date night!

It’s a simple thing but there are a variety of reasons that it is more than just something to do on a Friday night. Date night can help keep your relationship strong and healthy- the best defense against betrayal, infidelity, and questionable ‘friendships’. Date night promotes

  1. A sense of newness- we love what’s fresh and new, it’s attractive. So instead of being attracted to someone new, create new experiences with the someone you’re with. It’s amazing how quickly this can refresh a relationship that’s started to feel stale.
  2. Closeness- this digital age is so full of distractions that it’s a wonder we even talk to our partners some days. But date night can help you connect and engage with each other on a regular basis
  3. Fun- never underestimate the power of fun and laughter to keep your relationship healthy and happy!

Wondering what to do for your next date night?? Pick up a copy of our my new Kindle book… The Date Deck… ’cause every couple needs a date night.

{If you don’t have a Kindle you can download a free Kindle app here.}

Do you have other ideas about how to protect your relationship from the temptation of others?

How have you and your partner established clear boundaries around your marriage or relationship?

Tell me all about it in the comments below.